Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mortimer P. Willoughby Blog Post

Intrepid man of taste and style Mortimer P. Willoughby drops by Bibliognome today to describe the various roles he plays as butler to the Crusading Comet.
Chauffeur/Pilot. “Oh, a chauffeur,” some of you are probably thinking. “Isn’t that something all butlers do?” Many butlers indeed perform this function. Yet, I ask, how many of those butlers must learn how to pilot the Comet Intrusion Glider for Aerial Reconnaissance (CIGAR)? How many have experience filling up the jet-fueled Comet Cruiser and traveling at speeds that would make Formula 1 drivers blush? Not many, I would wager.
To learn more--including Morty's least favorite role as aide-de-camp to the Crusading Comet--check out the rest of the post here.