Friday, July 15, 2011

Galley Proofs and Edit Notes

Received a pretty cool email today that's a first for me.

My short story "And the World Stopped" will appear in the Told You So anthology from Pill Hill Press. It's looking like the book will come out in the next month or so.

Anyhow, I received an electronic galley of the anthology today. I can't show it to anyone, but it's a first for me. The galley proof is what the book will look like when it goes to the printer. It's one of the final steps in the editing process and gives authors the chance to look over their work.

In this particular case, I'm reading "And the World Stopped" and looking for any inconsistencies before the book goes to the printer. I have spotted a couple minor things, but it's neat to see a preview of the book, complete with copyright page, table of contents, and author biographies.

I also learned that several of the other authors are from Indiana and/or the Midwest. My corrections are due by August 4th, so I'll be working on that.

In addition, I received editing feedback for my short story "Harrigan the Magnificent," which will appear in Timid Pirate Press' Cobalt City: Dark Carnival anthology in September. I haven't had a chance to look at the suggestions (admission: I worked on the Ray Liotta Quality Meter and FORGOT TO DO IT), but will work on giving the piece a bit of a polish this weekend.

Writing production has been down this week. I've been working on doing the electronic formatting for a possible anthology of my own stories. That's taken up time. I've also been reading more (thanks, Kindle!). Combine that with a quick road trip to the family reunion, a few blog posts, and work...and you've got the recipe for a drop in writing production!