Want to know more about my work and the blog? These posts are your homework!
Crimsonstreak Central - Learn all about the world of I, Crimsonstreak. Includes primers, character interviews, author's commentary, and much, much more.
Anatomy of a Small Press Book Deal - The definitive post tracking my journey from first draft to contract.
My Complete ABC's of Writing - This epic blog post caps a five-week journey through writing and the alphabet, from "Agent" to "Zero."
Essential Advice for Young Writers - The one where I travel back in time to give advice to my younger self. He doesn't listen.
Office Work, Outta Sight - Even when you have the freedom to write, you can't get entirely away from a desk job.
The Importance of Self-Editing - Identifying weaknesses in your own writing is one of toughest things to learn. In this post, I teach you how to do it.
My Favorite Writing Websites - Essential sites about writing and publishing that have helped me along the way. I hope they'll help you, too.
Character Archetypes I Love - A quick look at some specific character types often found in writing and why I enjoy them.
On Outlines and Ideas - Different authors organize their thoughts in different ways. I share my approach for brainstorming and plotting a story.
So, What are You Working On? - An embarrassingly extensive list of my current works and works in progress. It probably needs to be updated.
Developing a Signature Style - Writers need to find their voice. Here, I explore writing conventions I use to develop my signature style.