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Original publication info:
I, Crimsonstreak
Matt Adams
Candlemark & Gleam, 2012
ISBN-10: 1936460262
ISBN-13: 978-1936460267
I, Crimsonstreak: The Primer - Learn about the key characters in the Crimsonstreak Universe.
I, Crimsonstreak: The Primer, Part II - The world has changed quite a bit since our hero was thrown in prison. A look at what you need to know...and how Crimsonstreak's reality is much different from our own.
I, Crimsonstreak: The
I, Crimsonstreak: Setting the Table - A breakdown of places our heroes visit and how each is intended to have a different "feel."
I, Crimsonstreak: The Technology - Like any other science fictionalish universe, our hero lives in a world full of fantastic tech.
The COMPLETE Crimsonstreak ABC's - A look at the Crimsonstreak universe from A to Z. I cheated a couple of times on this one.

Crimsonstreak - Crimsonstreak reveals his favorite movie, talks about the New World Common Wealth, dodges questions regarding his relationship with Jaci Graves, and needles the interviewer.
Mortimer P. Willoughby - The estimable butler for the Crusading Comet describes his love-hate relationship with Crimsonstreak, reflects on life as aide-de-camp for a superhero, and opens up about his background.
Colonel Chaos - Colonel Chaos explains the original concept behind the New World Common Wealth, elaborates on his relationship with his son, and talks candidly about life as a reformed supervillain.
Warren Kensington IV - The Once and Future Crusading Comet compares Mortimer P. Willoughby to C-3PO, hacks my Twitter feed, and relives his trip through the fabled Comet Accelerator.
Miss Lightspeed - Crimsonstreak's mother talks about juggling priorities in a superhero family, discusses her role in the Super Diplomats Corps, and offers some advice for the Heroic Legion.
Scarlet DashBoy - Is he a rival, menace, or ally to Crimsonstreak? Honestly, no one knows...not even Scarlet DashBoy himself. This surreal interview transcends the boundaries of the absurd.
The Crusading Comet/Warren Kensington III - The reigning Crusading Comet opens up about his family, the indispensability of Mortimer P. Willoughby, and answers the eternal question: Where does he get those wonderful toys?
Zeus Caesar - It's entirely possible that no one in the I, Crimsonstreak universe can match Scarlet DashBoy for pure insanity, but Zeus Caesar gives a valiant effort.
New World Common Wealth Timeline - The development of the New World Common Wealth from Miss Lightspeed's death to Crimsonstreak's escape from the Clermont Institution for the Criminally Insane. CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Crusading Comet Timeline - The history of the Crusading Comet from the birth of Warren Kensington, Sr. to the birth of Warren Kensington IV.
I, Crimsonstreak: Comic Influences - You'll find the fingerprints of previous comic book creators throughout the book.
I, Crimsonstreak: Comics and the Media - The Fourth Estate has a long history in comic books, and idea that carries over into the novel.
Why Superheroes? - Why the superhero genre attracts me as a writer.
Anne E. Johnson's Blog - Challenges of the First-Person Perspective
The Qwillery - The Super World of False Documents: Bringing a Superhero World to Life
Jess Resides Here - Interview about the book, the publishing process, and why I write superheroes
Saundra Mitchell's Blog - The 9 Spot (in which I debate legs vs. pudding)
Dale Eldon's Blog - Author Spotlight
Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile - The Importance of Supporting Characters
I, Crimsonstreak reviewed at Bibliognome - "Definitely a must read for any fan of the superhero genre."
I, Crimsonstreak reviewed at Comic Attack - "...Adams’s greatest strength here is the characters’ chemistry and dialogue, with many of the lines being used for well done humor."
I, Crimsonstreak reviewed at Game Vortex - "It’s got a good bit of humor interwoven with the action and some fun back-and-forth dialogue..."
I, Crimsonstreak reviewed at Superheronovels.com - "It is Orwellian and dystopian and very silly. At times it’s even a little bit funny."
Chapter-by-Chapter Author's Commentary -- Contains SPOILERS and best read AFTER you've finished the corresponding chapter!
Chapter 1 - The Clermont Institution for the Criminally Insane, Serving Evil-Doers and Those in Need Since 1972
Chapter 2 - Have Jacket, Will Travel
Chapter 3 - My Only Escape is Escaping
Chapter 4 - A (Potentially Deadly) Case of the Munchies
Chapter 5 - Take Me Down to New Chaos City, Where the Grass is Green and the Butlers are British
Chapter 6 - Alfred Pennyworth + Smart Aleck = Mortimer Willoughby
Chapter 7 - Chaos Reigns and the Enforcer's Porsche
Chapter 8 - Crimsonstreak and Warren Kensington IV in... Road to Central Processing
Chapter 9 - The Comet Accelerator (Yes, That's Really What He Calls It)
Chapter 10 - Chaopolis South: It's Like Chaopolis, Only Southier
Chapter 11 - Getting a Boost and a Tale of Two Chrises
Chapter 12 - Chaotic Family Reunion
Chapter 13 - Trapped Like a (Lab) Rat
Chapter 14 - Here We Go Again on Our Own
Chapter 15 - Will the Real Colonel Chaos Please Stand Up?
Chapter 16 - A Not-So-Little Caesar and an Epic Battle of Epicness
Chapter 17 - If You Rebuild It, They Will (Maybe) Forgive You
Appendix I - Chaos Family History
Appendix II - The New World Common Wealth Era
Appendix III - History of the Crusading Comet
Appendix IV - Dawn Magazine Profiles in Heroism
Appendix V - Heroic Legion Dossiers